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Wade Eilrich
Blank Page after install.
OS = [1;32mUbuntu 10.04.4 LTS i686[0m Looks like Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. What version of Airtime did you install?
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Wade Eilrich
July 2014
Changing ID3 tags
I'm hoping that I can establish the duration of the show block using show_instances starts and ends (end - starts = show block duration). Then I can use the time_filled to give me the amount of time left in that show block (show block duration …
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Wade Eilrich
July 2014
Changing ID3 tags
I'm going to have to try some further experiments with pre-existing, linked shows. In another forum, you recommended that I create a "dummy" file that takes up the entire show - I did that and the linked shows now play correctly. Howe…
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Wade Eilrich
July 2014
Changing ID3 tags
John, that definitely runs contrary to what the documentation says with the possible exception that you are not changing the duration of a file known to Airtime. Instead, you are replacing that file with one that has the same name. I'm not sure…
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Wade Eilrich
July 2014
Changing ID3 tags
Hi Daniel, in the online manual, the chapter: Media Folders contains this information:"Edits to your stored and watched media files are noticed by Airtime. If you edit any file known to the database and change its duration, Airtime will automat…
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Wade Eilrich
July 2014
Bulk library file editing? How to assign ID3 tag mood?
Mike, it is simple and you can do it without moving any files. I use easyTAG. You can modify multiple files and multiple tags at the same time. This works because of an undocumented "feature": Airtime media monitor notices file changes in …
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Wade Eilrich
July 2014
Changing ID3 tags
Daniel - I modified a title tag in the Airtime admin interface and then rebooted the server. The title change persisted across the reboot. I've not had any problems with my watched folders and I use them extensively for linked, repeated shows. …
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Wade Eilrich
July 2014
Changing ID3 tags
Thanks Daniel - done. The bug report is: CC-5883 I've done more investigating and the behavior is even odder than I suspected. When I use easyTAG to examine and modify the ID3 tags in the imported library the database is updated almost instanta…
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Wade Eilrich
July 2014
Changing ID3 tags
Airtime ONLY reads in the metatags from the file at first import. It uses ones in the database after that. Hmmm, John - my experience does not correlate with your statement that Airtime only reads the meta tags from the file at the first import. I…
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Wade Eilrich
July 2014
Multiple playlists playing simultaneously! WTF?
Thatnks, John - that does indeed work. To make that "custom" mp3 I found a file that was somewhat longer, edited it, and truncated so it was exactly 30 minutes long).
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Wade Eilrich
July 2014
Multiple playlists playing simultaneously! WTF?
I've just noticed a similar occurrence. I created a repeating show for every day of the week starting at 14:00 and ending at 14:30. At first, I decided to just populate the show by hand but this quickly became tedious. So I used John Chewter…
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Wade Eilrich
July 2014
Problem installing on Linux 14.04
@Roger Wilco - As far as Airtime goes, both are equally good. If you want a user system, Ubuntu has more features geared toward the home user. That ease of use comes with a cost: stability. Ubuntu needs more patches and the plethora of available sof…
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Wade Eilrich
July 2014
shoutcheap.com and Airtime, is possible ?
Shoutcheap uses Shoutcast servers. It is possible to stream from Airtime to a Shoutcast server. Take a look at the stream settings in "System->Stream". Shoutcheap will provide you with the information you need. Set the Stream Type, the…
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Wade Eilrich
June 2014
Check your 'System->Media Folders' settings. The import library should point to your library location on your Airtime server. This is typically /srv/airtime/imported/1/ for Airtime 2.5.1 If possible, on your Airtime server, use a browse…
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Wade Eilrich
June 2014
Problem installing on Linux 14.04
Airtime 2.5.1 does not install correctly on 14.04 - it works on 12.04.
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Wade Eilrich
June 2014
IceCast error
If you are hosting Icecast on the same server as Airtime (this is the default), you can get to the Icecast admin interface at localhost:8000 on the Airtime server. If your Icecast server has a public IP, you can use that too (e.g. example.com:8000).
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Wade Eilrich
June 2014
IceCast error
It looks like an access of Icecast's web admin interface, possibly to get the currently playing song's statistics (stats.xml). The default login is username: admin, password: admin.
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Wade Eilrich
June 2014
spliting airtime between 3 servers
It looks possible. Look at the airtime.conf file. The documentation mentions a handy command (airtime-update-db-settings) that updates "all of Airtime's database configuration files". They recommend you run this command if you modify …
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Wade Eilrich
June 2014
Complying with US Copyright Law for Internet Radio Broadcasting
Thanks, Roger Wilco - will do :)
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Wade Eilrich
June 2014
Is i3 1st Gen. sufficient for 3 x Airtime ?
Bandwidth and uplink speed are straightforward calculations. Take a look at the the documentation for Airtime for the server requirements (recommends 1 GB RAM or more per installation) http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/airtime-25-for-broadcasters/pre…
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Wade Eilrich
June 2014
Creating one continuous playlist
I made the changes you suggested, Voisses - thank you. Although I've not had any problems with the version I had been using (for the last year or so) that may just have been luck. Now I can add music and the playlist updates dynamically :D
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Wade Eilrich
May 2014
Creating one continuous playlist
Piece of cake - this is exactly what I do. Specific to Airtime 2.5.1.Note: I assume you uploaded your music using the web interface into the default directory: /srv/airtime/stor and the jingles into /srv/airtime/stor/imported/1/jingles (change the …
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Wade Eilrich
May 2014
Find record label ID3 tags
It appears that Airtime 2.5.1 uses the ID3 tag 'label' for the record label - and you must enable it in the web interface by clicking on Show/Hide Columns in the web interface and then selecting 'Label' in the drop down list. Man…
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Wade Eilrich
May 2014
Organizing off-air random play
Martin, your link is no longer works. Albert FR provides some very useful information in: https://wiki.sourcefabric.org/display/CC/Playing+Random+Songs+on+Silence The ls_script.liq location has changed from what is stated at the top of the above art…
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Wade Eilrich
May 2014
Airtime 2.2.1 Install Issues
I noticed, before I installed 2.2.1, that apt-get was supported so I decided to use that. First I used apt-get update, then apt-get install airtime. It worked flawlessly. As an aside, before I tried that, I followed the floss manual instructions ab…
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Wade Eilrich
December 2012
Filled 24-hour show, added repeat and show became empty
The error happens in Chrome 24 and FF 17.
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Wade Eilrich
December 2012
Filled 24-hour show, added repeat and show became empty
Perhaps I was not as clear in my report as I would have liked, Albert. I understand that copy/paste content does not work when repeating shows, but it should not have deleted everything from the original show. The fact that my original show is now e…
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Wade Eilrich
November 2012
Sheduled random Playlist with ls_script....
The simplest way to edit ls_script.liq is by using the sudo command with your favorite editor. An example would be (assuming you are in the ls_script.liq directory): sudo gedit ls_script.liq
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Wade Eilrich
July 2012
Feature request: Volume adjustment slider
You might want to implement a normalization scheme such as the one documented by Savonet here. I like the idea that Airtime would allow normalization through the web UI. This can be very useful if the loudness varies a lot between various media file…
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Wade Eilrich
June 2012
Problem With airtime-liquidsoap
It is possible that the binary does not have the correct permissions to execute. You can check this with ls -l in a terminal window.
Comment by
Wade Eilrich
June 2012
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